Project results2020-02-25T14:30:10+00:00


This project increase the access of children all over Romania suffering from different types of cancer to high quality medical services. In order to achieve the main objective the project has three components: purchasing high performance medical equipment, developing a national set of guidelines and treatment and training medical staff.

The project’s general objective is to increase the access of children suffering from different types of cancer to high quality and efficient medical services, at national level in Romania. The increase of the survival rate of children affected with cancer is possible when the modern and performant technical endowment is supported by qualified and trained medical personnel.

Therefore, the project has three main components:

  • purchasing high performance medical care equipment
  • developing a national set of guidelines for specialists involved in paediatric haemato-oncology diagnostic
  • treatment and training medical staff in using new technologies in treatment procedures.

Through the funding of this project, IOCN will purchase:
– one tomography computer (CT) with simulation capacity of radiotherapy treatments;
– two automatic dilution devices for preparing automatically the substances used in chemotherapy;
– one IMRT software for the existing radiotherapy equipment in order to increase the efficiency of the radiotherapy treatments;
– two anaesthesia machines used during the CT exploration of children;
– 4 portable ultrasounds for the diagnostic and monitoring procedures especially related to thyroid and soft parts cancers;
– 2 gamma probe devices for diagnostic and treatment procedures (during the “sentinel ganglion technique”);
– two Eco Doppler ultrasounds for diagnostic and monitoring procedures of different types of cancers (especially related to blood vessels);
– 3 computers and 2 multifunctional printers to be used by the medical staff in the usual medical activity (creating, editing, printing, scanning and copying relevant documents: medical reports, medical letters, hospitalization documents etc.).

    Actual regional din 1 noiembrie 2019

    November 1st, 2019|

    Actual regional din 1 noiembrie 2019 Producător: OVIDIU POP Moderator: MADALINA VLASCEANU Invitati: dr. Vlad Schitcu, coordonator proiect, Institutul Oncologic „Prof.Dr.I.Chiricuta” Cluj-Napoca prin telefon: Dr. Rodica Cosnarovici, sef sectie Oncopediatrie


    To get in touch with us, please contact us using one of the below methods.


    34-36 Str. Republicii, Cluj-Napoca, 400015


    +40 264 598 362, +40 264 450 753


    +40 264 450 753


    +40 264 592 766

    The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the Norwegian Grants 2014-2021.
    The responsibility for correctness and coherence of the information presented lies with the initiators.
    The total budget of the project is approx. 3,698,248 euros and runs for 24 months.
    For more details on the Norwegian Grants 2014-2021, visit: www.ro-sanatate.ms.ro and www.eeagrants.ro